
Hi 👋 I'm Ivan and it's my blog. Here I share my thoughts, experience and everything that I have learned over the years.

At the moment I'm still working on the technical aspects and content of the site, so something may not go according to plan 😅. If there are any issues, please contact me directly.

English is not the main language of this blog

You are currently on English version of my blog. However, most of the content is available in Russian.


WSLSeptember 17, 2023

Using systemd in WSL

MySQLSeptember 14, 2023

Looking at table sizes in MySQL

NuxtSeptember 3, 2023

Extending possibilities of code blocks in Nuxt Content

Aiogram FormsAugust 31, 2023

Upcoming aiogram-forms@1.2.0 update — menu module

NuxtAugust 7, 2023

Publishing multiple sites from one Nuxt project
